Message from the President

2025 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Hariri Foundation-USA. As we look back over the last 40 years, we are truly thankful to have been given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of more than 3,400 Lebanese students who benefitted from our sponsorship programs in North America. Knowing that so many of our alumni have the skills and knowledge to contribute in a major way to Lebanon’s development strengthens our hopes for a brighter future for Lebanon.

This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the death of our esteemed founder the late Rafik B. Hariri. We are ever more mindful of his extraordinary vision, generosity, and exemplary devotion to Lebanon, all of which continue to inspire and guide us.

The Rafic Hariri Foundation in Lebanon, our staff members, the organizations and universities with which we have been privileged to partner, the Hariri alumni who lend their support to the Foundation, and the many friends of the Foundation have all played a role in helping us to achieve our mission during the last 40 years. For this we are forever grateful. To our benefactors, our colleagues in Lebanon, our alumni, our friends, our institutional and organizational partners we extend our good wishes for success in all their endeavors on behalf of a Lebanon in which freedom, prosperity, and respect for both human dignity and human rights prevail.

Rafic A. Bizri